Buy purple pinecone strain



Purple Pinecone strain helps with

  • Stress
    28% of people say it helps with stress
  • Insomnia
    14% of people say it helps with insomnia
  • Muscle spasms
    14% of people say it helps with muscle spasms

Buy purple pinecone strain in the UK

Purple pinecone strain is a potent Indica-dominant strain that was created by Sagarmatha Seeds. From first looks, anyone can recognize it from the amount of trichomes visible. The waves of purple in the dense nugs give away the distinction from other strains. The heavy effects of the strain shine the most. In many cases, users enjoy smoking it in the evening.


Purple Pinecone gives the user an immediate rocky sensation upon inhale. The quickest method to lock yourself into the sofa is to use this strain in the evening. During the high, users are frequently joyful and giddy. These feelings are accompanied by a sense of peace and relaxation.

There are many medical conditions that can be treated when smoking this strain such as:

  1. Relief of insomnia
  2. Relief of stress
  3. Reduction in pain

Appearance, Aroma, and Taste

The strain strain has flowers and leaves with a deep purple throughout the bud. The trichomes found on the elongated and dense nugs, can be easily seen by the naked eye.

When broken, the nugs have a fresh-earthy perfume that matches its look. Of course, there’s a smidgeon of pine in the mix.

The trichome packed nugs gives off the taste of pure diesel. In addition, there is also an earthy aftertaste that is similar to it’s own aroma.



10 grams, 1/2 ounce, 1 ounce, 1/4 pound, 1/2 pound, 1 pound


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